Ready to Sell U.S. Precision’s CBD Products?

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Why U.S. Precision?


Our products are developed for your customers’ needs by an award-winning  pharmacist and wellness visionary.  Our founder created America’s second largest supplement retail chain, the first-ever organic skin care retail chain, and literally hundreds of wellness innovations.  All of which means, we understand both health/wellness retailing and also manufacturing from the inside-out.    


Be careful buying CBD online or in stores. Rigorous studies show that 69% of

these products are grossly mislabeled – They contain much less or much more CBD

than marked, or no CBD whatsoever!  Every one of our products is accurate, honest, and 100% devoid of risky compounds.


Repeated research shows that 70% are heavily contaminated with dangerous

substances, including pesticides, mold, and even hormones and drugs. Not ours! Our state-of-the-art growing conditions along with superior extraction, distillation and quality control result in products that are completely devoid  of risky compounds. Rigorous independent testing proves that out. 


We put a QR code right on the tincture label.  When our code is scanned by you or a customer, your smartphone’s camera will link directly to the web page presenting our most recent Certificates of Analysis.  That page includes all CoAs, including for our pet products, topicals and unique delivery mechanisms.  It’s just another way you’re guaranteed potency and purity.


Our hemp is grown in Oregon, Kentucky, California and Colorado, the four most rigorously regulated states for hemp. That’s important, given toxin levels from China and other markets.  Our manufacturing takes place in the US at GMP facilities, assuring the highest quality.   


By drawing on the latest science, we equip you with CBD solutions that are simply not available anywhere else.   Our products are optimized with targeted terpenes, botanicals and/or cannabinoids; these compounds magnify CBD’s benefits for specific health goals.  Meanwhile, our R&D team focuses on new delivery mechanisms and new technologies to augment bioavailability, boost impact, and create products that customers will use again and again. 


You will make some of the best profits in the industry!  With top-notch potencies and ingredients, our retail pricing is excellent.  From that base, you will make 50% off every  sale. Plus, the continuity sales are yours:  We will not undercut you by selling to the public online.  It all adds up to tens of thousands – if not hundreds of thousands – in profits per year. 

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Ready to Sell U.S. Precision’s CBD Products?

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CBD Isolate – Clinical-Grade
Sublingual Tincture

CBD Isolate is 99%+ CBD and contains no other cannabinoids. CBD Isolate is the right choice when a patient must be certain he or she does not ingest even trace amounts of the THC. Otherwise, please consider our Broad Spectrum CBD tinctures.

Broad Spectrum CBD – Clinical-Grade Sublingual Tincture

This has a robust cannabinoid and terpene profile. According to a groundbreaking 2015 study, these additional chemical compounds each provide powerful benefits. Together with CBD, they create an “entourage effect” — multiplying impact.

Clinical-Grade CBD
Pain Therapy Lotion

Medical researchers note that, despite an intensive search for new analgesics, the need for novel strategies remains unmet because virtually every blockbuster therapy for the treatment of aches, throbbing and immobility produces aversive side effects.