In the 1990s researchers made a groundbreaking discovery:  there is a series of neuromodulatory receptors, called the Endocannabinoid System (ECS), that is responsible for establishing and maintaining homeostasis throughout every animal body (both vertebrate and invertebrate).  In fact, in the human body, ECS receptors are the most abundant neuromodulatory receptors.  They are found in the brain, the central and peripheral nervous system, the immune system, the gastrointestinal system, and in several major organs.
ECS receptors respond to both internal cannabinoids (“endocannabinoids”) and external cannabinoids (“phytocannabinoids”).   Research such as this study https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5877694/  and others show that cannabinoids such as CBD interact with the ECS.
Further, research has shown that small doses of natural cannabinoids from plants help support the ECS and enhance its signaling. This suggests that small, regular doses of naturally occurring phytocannabinoids might act as a tonic to this central physiologic healing system.
There are over 125 scientific studies completed or underway about the impacts of cannabinoids.  Here is a list as of May 2018:   http://www.cannabis-med.org/english/studies.htm  Until the 2018 Farm Bill, much of this work was conducted on animals.  We are now seeing a proliferation of human studies. Many are addressing the action of CBD in promoting homeostasis, reducing uncomfortable sensation, supporting neurological functioning and managing inflammation.
Source: U.S. Precision

What about the legalities?

As of late 2018, US federal law allows the manufacture and sale of CBD products, so long as they are sourced from hemp and contain <0.3% THC.   At the state level, as of late 2019:

  • Five US states forbid the sale CBD products to the general public outside of a pharmacy or cannabis dispensary, or without the manufacturer / retail store registering with the state  (Alaska, Hawaii, Louisiana, South Dakota, South Carolina)

  • A few others prohibit CBD-infused food and beverages but not tinctures, capsules, topicals or skin care.

  • Two states stipulate that CBD products cannot contain any THC whatsoever (Idaho, Kansas and Texas) – i.e. CBD Isolate and not Broad Spectrum CBD.

CBD laws are changing rapidly in favor of responsible manufacturing, sale and purchase. At US Precision, we have proactively adopted stringent supplement standards in our manufacturing, quality control and labelling processes.


Hemp CBD is also legal in virtually every European nation and many countries in Latin America and Asia (50+ nations worldwide).


For pharmacy regulations, please consult your state’s Board of Pharmacy.  These rules can differ from state legislation governing other channels of sale.

Source: U.S. Precision

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The content on this site is provided only for informational purposes. The statements herein have not been evaluated by the FDA.
The products listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.